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Hello, and welcome to my workouts without weights blog. My mission here is to give you great tips and advice about working out without weights. No need to go and buy an expensive gym membership, or any bulky exercise equipment. You've already got everything you need to get an unbelievably great workout without weights or anything else.

I hope you enjoy our content. Be sure to let us know how we are doing by leaving us your comments.

Now lets get to work!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Best Workouts Without Weights: The Push-Up

It might be one of the simplest workouts you can do, but I think a lot of folks would agree with me when I say that the push up is one of the very best workouts without weights. That's the way life is most of the time. The most effective things are often the simplest. Because of this fact, we tend to over look these simple but effective strategies.

There are several reasons you want to add the push up to your workouts without weights, if you haven't already. The first is that you are getting a more complete workout then you probably thought you were getting. Because when you workout with push ups you are not just working your chest and your arms. It is also a pretty good shoulder workout too. Working out your front deltoids, your rotator muscles, and your trapezius(shrugs) and your serratus anterior(rib cage to shoulder blade). You use all of these muscles to keep your upper body stiff and rigid when you do your push ups.

But that's not all! You also get a great core workout as well! To do a push up properly, you must maintain correct form. Meaning that your body must stay straight and stiff as you perform the exercise. In order to make this happen you must keep your abs and your glutes contracted the whole time. Brace your abs like you were about to take a punch and squeeze those glutes tight, and you'll be sure to keep good form throughout and get a whole body workout at the same time.

Another reason why I love to do push ups during my workouts without weights is all of the different variations that you can do. From making it easier, to much more difficult, there are enough different ways to do a push up that you should never get bored. Without adding any gym equipment at all I can think of about 14 different variations of the push up.

Here are a few my favorites...
A couple of ways to make push ups easier:

  • Modified Push Up: Instead of performing the exercise with your legs straight, bend your knees till they touch the ground & cross your ankles behind you. During this modification you are using about 65% of your body weight, as opposed to 75% with the classic push up.

  • Incline Push Up: Similar to the modified push up, this will lessen the amount of your body weight that you will be pushing. Reducing the stress on the shoulders. To do this, you'll need something that you can lean against that will hold your body weight. This could be a chair, stove, counter top, or even a staircase. Instead of placing your hands on the floor, put them on whatever you chose to use to hold you up. Then just do a regular push up motion, with your body in an incline position.

A couple of ways to make your push up workout more difficult:

  • Decline Push Up: The exact opposite of the incline push up we talked about earlier. With this exercise you will raise your feet off of the ground onto whatever you've chosen to hold your weight, just like the incline push up. This puts more of your weight onto the upper part of your body working out your chest and shoulders significantly more.

  • Triple-Stop Push Up: With this method you will assume the normal position and do a standard push up, but with a pause of about 2 seconds at 3 spots along the way. First, about halfway on the way down. Then when your chest is just off of the floor. Finally, as you push back to the starting position, pause just before the point you straighten your arms. Briefly pausing at each point increases strength at that joint angle and 10 degrees in either direction. And also increases the time your muscles are under tension, which stimulates growth. You can even stop again at the halfway point on the way up if you want, making this a 4-stop.

  • Spiderman Push Up: During this exercise you'll start in the standard push up position. But add in a different movement in the middle of each rep. As you lower your body toward the floor, lift your right foot off the floor, swing your right leg out sideways, & try to touch your knee to your elbow. Then on the way up, reverse the movement back to the starting position. Then on the next rep, touch your left knee to your left elbow. And continue to alternate legs on each rep.

Obviously, there are many more variations of the push up that you can do. But, these are a couple of my favorites that anyone can add to their workouts. No matter what experience or fitness level you are at in your workouts without weights, the push up is definitely a must.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Favorite Workout Without Weights

Now that you're ready to get started exercising, I thought I'd share some of my favorite workouts without weights.  There are so many things you can do to workout without using weights.  But I want to share my absolute favorite with you right now.

Number one on my list of workouts without weights is running.  Yep, that's right, good old fashion jogging.  I know a lot of people don't like running.  Most think that it is just too boring.  But running has always been a staple in my workout routine, ever since I was just a youngster.  My father used to run marathons a couple times a year when I was younger.  So he always encouraged me to enjoy the benefits of running.

If running is not something you like to do, you need to make a mindset shift.  Instead of focusing on the things that you don't like about it, focus on all the benefits(pleasure) that you'll get from it.

There are only two directions that people go in life.  One is away from pain, and the other is towards pleasure.  So, if when you think about running you think about how hard, painful, or boring it might be, then your mind will never let you be consistent with running.  Of course not, right!  I mean, who wants to be bored and in pain at the same time.

So in order to reap the rewards that running offers, you must learn to associate pleasure to running.  The way to do this is to focus your attention on all of the good things that you'll get out of adding running to your workouts without weights.

Some of the enormous benefits you get from running are...
  1. of course, Cardio- 20 to 30 minutes of running is one of the very best cardio workouts anyone can do.
  2. a great leg workout- want an amazing leg workout without weights, it doesn't get much better then running.
  3. an increased energy level- before I started running again, I was always feeling tired in the middle of the day, now that I'm running a few times a week, I'm full of energy all day long!
And that's just off the top of my head.  In my experience, running is one of the best workouts without weights that can be done.  Anyone can get started anytime and any fitness level.  Don't worry about your speed or the distance that you run in the beginning.  All that matters is that you get started.  And you can run just about anywhere.  No need for a gym here either!

If you have a mental block that won't allow you to enjoy running, and keeps you from getting started, then you need to change your associations that you have around running.  Like we talked about earlier, think about the benefits.  Imagine how you'll feel when you have more energy and a stronger body.  Know in your mind that you are embarking on a journey that will benefit you for the rest of your life.  It also has a great benefit to all those folks that love you, as you'll be around & healthy for a long time.

So now it's time to hit the road!  Or the treadmill.  Whichever you prefer.  Go enjoy on of the very best workouts without weights that you can get.

See you on the road!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why You Should Start Your Workouts WIthout Weights

We all know that working out is good for us.  But where do we start?  Do we need to get a gym membership, pay for a personal trainer, or buy some expensive home exercise equipment?

I say no to all three!  We all have everything we need to get great workouts without weights, gym memberships, or personal trainers.  Your own body and mind are all you need to get started improving your life today.  Combine self control with consistency and it becomes easy to get into great shape in much less time then most of us think.

When you do your workouts without weights you eliminate some of the excuses that people use to keep themselves from getting started.  People get it in their mind that they need to spend money on gym memberships, trainers, and bulky equipment that takes up a lot of space, just to get started working out.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  These people let their minds stop them before they even get started.  And getting started is the key.  You won't get into great shape just by getting started, but you must get started to get into great shape.  And doing your workouts without weights is the quickest and easiest way to get started. 

There is nothing stopping you now.  Only yourself.

You know you want to get into better shape, have more energy, look and feel better, both physically and mentally.  So I challenge you to get started now.  Work out today.  Without weights, a gym, or any other equipment.

Stay tuned here for more tips for getting started, and getting the most out of your workouts without weights.  Even if you're a seasoned work out veteran, or lift weights on a regular basis, working out without weights can provide a challenging workout and improve your fitness exponentially.

I look forward to our journey together.